This piece is my ode to digital ice cream media.
The intent was to find 20 different you tube videos and display them running concurrently.
I thought it would be fun to pick a singular theme and go with it.
My favorite theme to work with is ice cream because
Ice cream is always happy.
So I found several different videos about ice cream that had a wide range in variety.
Some of the ice cream videos include:
A play dough ice cream commercial for kids.
A Japanese fetish anime cartoon.
A Family Guy episode with cranky Peter Griffin.
A sexy music video.
A cooking show, showing how to make ice cream .
A happy baby eating ice cream.
A real time motion lapse of ice cream melting.
A hershey's chocolate sundae commercial.
A Bert and Ernie clip.
I wanted a crazy display of all things ice cream related to literally assault the viewer experiencing it.
But I wanted it to be happy.
In reality I should have listened to the sound behind the videos. I didn't do that, or even think about the sound. When I put the whole thing together I completely forgot about sound and solely concentrated on the visual. BIG MISTAKE!!!!
What really happens is a visual ice cream assault on the viewer, and when the sound is turned on the whole experience becomes a kind of totally scary one!!!!
The scary comes mainly from the first ice cream video, and Buckwheat Boyz ice cream and cake video. The sound from the two alone kind of overbear all the other, happier videos. The piece still works because of the chaos, it just works with a completely different tone, and way differently than I had originally expected it to.
Either way I learned a lot, and the assignment was tons of fun. I would love to do the whole thing again, and I would still do it all with an ice cream theme!!! :)
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